Monday, March 7, 2011

Why photos of my ridiculously hot husband, you ask.

This is actually my first I guess, technically, I'm a blog virgin. I've never read a single blog post in my life...not even my husband's! To be completely honest, as I am typing this out my heart is beating a little faster than normal, my fingers aren't moving like they should, and I fear that my armpits are getting a little sweaty. All this anxiety over a blog!! I really do need some help. But let me explain why. Reason number 1: I've been told by several that I am socially awkward when it comes to technology/social media(i.e. when on facebook, do I respond to a it...poke it...or do I even have to acknowledge it-most of the time I choose the latter and then use the "I'm just never on facebook" excuse)...hate to say it but I think this spills over to my texting world as well. So I'm sorry to all of you whom I didn't text back or to you whom I texted an unnecessary response one to many times. Reason #2: I have serious commitment issues! Which explains why this is my "first" post. Derek has been in charge of everything and will probably continue to be...all I do is take and edit the photos. Though, I will(in the future) try to add my two cents every now and then.

All that said, I am not promising to post a written blog everyday. But I am promising to post a new, hopefully WOW-worthy photo of the same subject for 30 days straight. My first subject just so happens to be my husband-he's such a good sport. Believe it or not, I actually do have reasons why I am doing this 30-day-challenge.

In a nut shell, here's how the idea came about: Photography seminar. Inspiration overload. My creativity needs to be challenged. Take photo everyday. No. More challenging. 1 subject-30 days. Need to commit. Derek thought-blog! NO! Too much commitment for me. Reassured by Derek. Fought back. Convinced by Derek. Hesitantly said ok. Punished Derek by making him be my first subject.

So thanks for going on this little journey with me. I would love to hear your input...might even want you to choose my next month's subject. So ENJOY!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE this! All of it! You're amazing. I'm considering giving up FB and blogs for Lent (have to decide for sure by tomorrow--really hard for me--one way in which you and I aren't alike:)) but I'll make an exception for this one.
